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Commission on Aging
Minutes for May 18, 2009

Minutes of the regular meeting of the Commission on Aging held on Monday, May 18, 2009 in the Multi-purpose Building, 14 Riverside Road, Sandy Hook, CT.  Mr. Dwyer called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.

PRESENT:  Ed Reese, Tom Dwyer, James Bernardi, LeReine Frampton, Norma Gray, Barbara Wadleigh, Anna Wiedemann;  EXCUSED ABSENCE:  Lenore Niedzielski, Karin Aurelia, Glenna Rees;  ABSENT:  Mary Ellen Lydem.  ALSO PRESENT: Marilyn Place, Director of Senior Services and Ann Piccini, Director of Social Services/Municipal Agent.

VOTER PARTICIPATION:  Bob Sharpe, Chairman of Senior Action Committee and two other members of the public.


MINUTES:  Mr. Dwyer motioned to approve the minutes of April 20, 2009.  Ms. Frampton seconded the motion.  The minutes were approved as amended.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  The Treasurer’s Report was not distributed.  

DIRECTOR OF SENIOR SERVICES REPORT:  Ms. Place distributed and reviewed her monthly report (see attachment A).  She asked for $200 to purchase flowers for the garden and flower boxes.  The plastic patio table and chairs were disposed of and need to be replaced.  She will begin shopping for a new set.  There are plans to install the Bocce court and will be asking Parks & Rec. to install a stationary grill for the patio.  Ms. Frampton motioned to approve $200 to be used towards flowers.  Motion seconded by Ms. Gray.  Motion carried unanimously.

DIRECTOR OF SOCIAL SERVICES/MUNICIPAL AGENT REPORT:  Ms. Piccini distributed and reviewed her report dated April 20, 2009 (see attachment C).  


TRIAD:  Ms. Place noted there will be an open house planned for September.  There will be a need for three or four Police Officers to volunteer.

Gift Account:  The Director of Finance, Bob Tait, was present to discuss the Finance Department’s new policies and procedures regarding the bank accounts for the Town.  In order to streamline the accounting process, the Finance Department is working on combining all the accounts under one main account at Newtown Savings Account.  In order to do this, the Gift Account would be placed within the Town’s main account and be separated by an account code.  The gift account funds will be a fiduciary account and Mr. Tait assured that the money will be protected and will not be part of the line item budget.  The new system will soon allow each department to view their individual accounts on-line and the check request process will become more streamlined with a request and approval process over the computer.

Mr. Rees stated that the gift account is very unique and does not hold much money but has been in existence for over twenty years.  The funds are carefully spent to purchase items needed for the seniors and the Senior Center.  He does not see any advantages in having the money incorporated into the Town’s account, especially with the ordinance that is in place.  There were concerns raised also whether incorporating the account would also affect future donations.  

Mr. Tait assured the members that the money will be in a protected fiduciary fund and that the money will not be included within the budget process.  He assured the members that it would be illegal to touch the accounts and that the Commission will continue to authorize checks.

Mr. Dwyer stated that he understands Mr. Tait’s efforts to run the Finance Department more efficiently, but suggests a clause be added to the ordinance that was updated by Mr. Tait.  Mr. Dwyer motioned to approve Mr. Tait’s proposed change to the Town ordinance regarding the Commission on Aging’s Gift Account with the added clause “The funds referred to herein are for the exclusive use of the Commission of Aging and shall not be used by the Town of Newtown for any purpose other than as authorized by the Commission on Aging".  Ms. Frampton seconded the motion.  Motion carried unanimously.  Mr. Dwyer motioned that Mr. Rees send a general letter to Bob Tait regarding the gift account and attach a copy of this meeting’s minutes.  Motion seconded by Ms. Frampton.  Motion approved unanimously.

Senior Center Expansion:  Handicap Door:  Ms. Frampton met with Fred Hurley.  The external handicap door has been approved along with a sliding glass automatic door that will be installed inside facing the front desk.  The vendor selection is in progress.  Mr. Rees asked that a ramp of blacktop be placed along the curb for easy wheelchair access.  Retaining Wall:  The bricks for the wall are on order and awaiting delivery.  Mr. Rees shared concerns that the center has been waiting for the retaining wall for a long time.  Mr. Dwyer asked for a copy of any letters that have been sent to Mr. Hurley be forwarded to him and to all the Commissioners.  Three Season Sunroom:  Ms. Frampton stated that specs and bids are going out for the sunroom.

New Building:  No updates.

NEW BUSINESS – Mr. Rees stated that he cannot attend the Annual Meeting for Regional Senior Center Commissioners being held in New Fairfield.  


Mr. Dwyer motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:25 p.m.  

Respectfully submitted by Tammy Hazen, Clerk.